Empowered Neighborhoods: Supporting Community Microgrids [Article]
14 Ariz. J. Envtl. L. & Pol’y 1 (2024)Description
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In an era of climate change and increasing power outages, microgrids have the potential to significantly improve grid resilience and reliability. Because they can operate separately from larger electric grids, microgrids can often continue providing electricity service during broader grid outages caused by severe weather events. To the extent that solar- or wind-powered microgrids displace fossil fuel electricity generation, they also help to decarbonize energy systems. Unfortunately, electric utilities often view privately-owned community microgrids as competitive threats and have reasons to obstruct them within their exclusive service areas. Utility opposition and other factors have heretofore hindered community microgrid development in much of the country. This Article highlights the scope of community microgrids’ many benefits and advocates for statutory and regulatory changes capable of accelerating the deployment of community microgrid technologies across the United States.Type