Lee, T., Kim, C., Ma, J., Kwon, S., & Kim, D. (2024). IRIG 106 Chapter 10 Decoder for KSLV-II Telemetry Data Analysis. International Telemetering Conference Proceedings, 59.Additional Links
NARO Space Center has established telemetry ground stations comply with the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) 106 standard [1] for the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-II (KSLV-II, Nuri). Among these, the Safran Radio Signal Recorder (RSR) is employed to record the data associated with the launch mission. The RSR is capable of recording and replaying a multitude of input sources, including IF (intermediate frequency), AGC (automatic gain control), PCM, and IRIG-B. All data is recorded in the Chapter 10 (.ch10) format in accordance with the IRIG standard. For subsequent analysis, the recorded files can be playback in the RSR. However, it is also possible to decode the Chapter 10 files for research purposes, such as the analysis of RF channel characteristics and PCM raw data. In this paper, we used IRIG open software and MATLAB to decode the telemetry data in the Chapter 10 file and present the results.Type