Rangeland Ecology & Management, Volume 72, Number 4 (July 2019)
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Recent Submissions
Ventenata and Other Coexisting Exotic Annual Grass Control and Plant Community Response to Increasing Imazapic Application RatesVentenata (Ventenata dubia [Leers] Coss.) is an exotic annual grass that can invade intermountain rangeland plant communities, where it can form monotypic stands, degrade wildlife habitat, and reduce livestock forage. There is limited information on ventenata control in rangelands as it has only recently been identified as a substantial problem. Imazapic is a pre-emergent herbicide commonly used to control other exotic annual grasses and, therefore, is likely to control ventenata in rangelands. We evaluated five application rates of imazapic (0 − 175 g ae ∙ ha− 1) on ventenata and other exotic annual grass control and plant community response at two rangeland sites in 2 yr (2014 and 2015). Imazapic reduced exotic annual grass (largely ventenata) cover and density, with greater control with increasing imazapic rates. Exotic annual grass density at the highest levels of control (82%−94%) was 184 − 299 plants ∙ m− 2 the first yr after imazapic application. Exotic annual grasses fully recovered in the second or third yr after imazapic application. Bare ground generally increased with imazapic application. However, density of perennial vegetation (grasses and forbs) did not vary among treatments. Perennial vegetation cover generally did not increase with imazapic control of ventenata and other exotic annual grasses. Imazapic can control ventenata; however, even at the highest rates, control was not enough to shift the dominance from exotic annual species to perennial species. Integrating other treatments with imazapic application may be a strategy to improve ventenata control and increase perennial vegetation and will require further investigation. The difficulty and likely expense of achieving substantial and lasting control of ventenata suggest, similar to other exotic annual grasses, that preventing ventenata invasion and dominance should be a high management priority. © 2019
Technical Note: Method to Streamline Processing of Livestock Global Positioning System Collar DataThe use of global positioning system (GPS) technology to study livestock movement has been widely adopted in range and animal sciences; however, the methods for processing GPS collar data are varied among researchers and often involve repetitive, time-consuming steps to get data into a format available to view in geographic information system (GIS) software. The objective of this technical note is to present a method for quickly processing uniform datasets using a commonly available commercial GPS collar and Program R. Data generated by a Lotek 3300LR GPS collar were processed in seconds using “Lotek_Function,” which was developed using R coding. Traditional hand-processing of the same data generally requires 30 or more minutes and is prone to error due to the tedious, repetitive nature of the task. Due to the open-source nature of Program R, base codes can be modified to fit specific researchers’ needs when incorporating GIS data layers or models to assess behavior based on motion sensor data output from collars. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Soil Fauna Accelerate Dung Pat Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling into Grassland SoilSoil fauna play critical roles in various ecosystem functions and services, but empirical data measuring their impact on dung pat decomposition and subsequent nutrient cycling into rangeland soils are limited. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of soil fauna, using dung beetle as an indicator, on dung decomposition and subsequent translocation of dung nutrients into grassland soil over time. A field experiment was conducted early in the summer season and late in the summer season of 2014 and 2015. In each season, dung beetle abundance, changes in dung properties, and subsequent translocation of dung nutrients into soils were evaluated at 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, and 56 d after placement (DAPs) of exposed dung and nonexposed dung to beetles. Analysis of no-dung control soil was included for comparison. Dung beetles contributed 7% and 4% in the losses of dung moisture and dry matter (DM), respectively; however, dung beetles had no effect on dung pat nutrients. Losses of dung nutrients—42% of water-extractable organic carbon, 46% of water-extractable phosphorus, and 65% of NH4—occurred during the first 14 DAPs. Dung beetles increased soil nutrients in the top 10-cm depth beneath the dung. No effect of beetles was observed in deeper (> 10-cm) soil depth or in soil 30 cm away from the dung. This study concluded that soil fauna, such as dung beetles, accelerated dung moisture and DM losses and subsequent nutrient increase into the top 10 cm of soil. © 2019
Seasonal Divergence of Landscape Use by Heritage and Conventional Cattle on Desert RangelandAdopting livestock with heritage genetics may help to improve the sustainability of agriculture on rangelands with harsh, challenging conditions. In the Chihuahuan Desert, preliminary evidence suggests that heritage Raramuri Criollo exploit a greater variety of range resources than do conventional cattle. Accordingly, the use of Raramuri Criollo may help sustain vegetation and soils, as well as agricultural production. To explore these possibilities, we used Global Positioning System collars to track Angus × Hereford and Raramuri Criollo cows in a 1 535-ha pasture in southern New Mexico in June–December 2008. As predicted on the basis of past research, home range sizes of Raramuri Criollo exceeded those of Angus × Hereford during seasons with low forage availability—by 31.4 ± 6.5 ha during Pregreenup and 17.2 ± 6.5 ha during Drydown—but sizes converged during more productive seasons (Greenup 1, Greenup 2). Angus × Hereford allotted more daily time to resting, with the difference most pronounced during Drydown (71.1 ± 21.1 min day− 1). Angus × Hereford had twice as many hotspots of use (locations with multiple visits of long duration), with seasonal timing and location corresponding with distribution patterns known to impact desirable natural resources. Raramuri Criollo more strongly preferred the Bare/Forbs ecological state with seasonal timing that possibly signals an ability to use nutritious forbs on open ground despite summer heat. Results are consistent with conjectures that compared with conventional cattle, Raramuri Criollo have greater daily mobility and wider spatial distribution during dry seasons. Although not directly measured, results also suggest that the heritage breed has superior heat tolerance and lower impact on desirable natural resources. These findings provide evidence that Raramuri Criollo can support sustainable livestock production in the Chihuahuan Desert, but direct measurements of profitability and environmental effects are needed before adoption can be recommended widely. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Role of Grazing Intensity on Shaping Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Communities in Patagonian Semiarid SteppesArbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are vital for maintaining ecosystem structure and functioning and can be affected by complex interactions between plants and herbivores. Information found in the literature about how ungulate grazing affects AMF is in general contradictory but might be caused by differences in grazing intensities (GIs) among studies. Hence we studied how different GIs affect the composition, diversity, and abundance of AMF communities in a semiarid steppe of Patagonia. We predicted that 1) total AMF spore abundance (TSA) and diversity would decrease only under intense-grazing levels and 2) AMF species spore abundance would depend on their life-history strategies and on the GI. To test our predictions, we compared AMF communities among nongrazed (NG), moderately grazed (MG, 0.1–0.3 sheep ha1), and intensely grazed sites (IG, > 0.3 sheep ha1). GI was the most important factor driving changes in TSA and diversity, regardless of host plant identity. TSA, diversity, and evenness significantly decreased in IG sites but were not affected by MG. AMF species spore abundance varied depending on their life-history strategies and GI. Families with high growth rates like Glomeraceae and probably Pacisporaceae showed the highest spore abundance in all sites but decreased under IG. Species with higher carbon demands like Gigasporaceae showed low spore abundance and frequency in NG and MG sites and were absent in IG sites. In contrast, species with low growth rates, but efficient carbon usage, like Acaulosporaceae, showed low spore abundance in all sites but increased in IG sites compared with NG or MG sites. We conclude that intensification of grazing reduces AMF diversity and abundance, with the likely loss of AMF benefits for plants, such as improved nutrient and water uptake and soil aggregation. Therefore, sustainable grazing systems should be designed to improve or restore AMF communities, particularly in degraded rangelands, like the Patagonian steppes. © 2019 Elsevier Inc.
Propagation of Shinnery Oak as a Framework for RestorationShinnery oak (Quercus havardii) is a native clonal shrub that contributes to an imperiled biotic community in the southern Great Plains of North America. Nevertheless, there is little information on shinnery oak ecology and this lack of information hinders potential restoration of shinnery oak in areas where it has been eliminated. We provide findings from a study conducted to assess emergence and seedling survival from acorns collected in western Oklahoma in 2016. We observed that cold stratification treatments (i.e., acorns stored at 2°C for 2 weeks) and greater acorn size resulted in higher emergence. Although we found no effect of acorn size on seedling survival, we observed that shade reduced seedling survival (P < 0.005). Our study provides previously unknown information on several fundamental aspects of shinnery oak ecology and offers a baseline for restoration efforts by documenting successful shinnery oak emergence and factors associated with seedling survival. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Prescribed Summer Fire and Seeding Applied to Restore Juniper-Encroached and Exotic Annual Grass-Invaded Sagebrush SteppeWestern juniper (Juniperus occidentalis Hook.) encroachment and exotic annual grass (medusahead [Taeniatherum caput-medusae L. Nevski] and cheatgrass [Bromus tectorum L.]) invasion of sagebrush (Artemisia L.) communities decrease ecosystem services and degrade ecosystem function. Traditionally, these compositional changes were largely confined to separate areas, but more sagebrush communities are now simultaneously being altered by juniper and exotic annual grasses. Few efforts have evaluated attempts to restore these sagebrush communities. The Crooked River National Grassland initiated a project to restore juniper-encroached and annual grass-invaded sagebrush steppe using summer (mid-July) applied prescribed fires and postfire seeding. Treatments were unburned, burned, burned and seeded with a native seed mix, and burned and seeded with an introduced seed mix. Prescribed burning removed all juniper and initially reduced medusahead cover but did not influence cheatgrass cover. Neither the native nor introduced seed mix were successful at increasing large bunchgrass cover, and 6 yr post fire, medusahead cover was greater in burned treatments compared with the unburned treatment. Large bunchgrass cover and biological soil crusts were less in treatments that included burning. Exotic forbs and bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa L.), an exotic grass, were greater in burned treatments compared with the unburned treatment. Sagebrush communities that are both juniper encroached and exotic annual grass invaded will need specific management of both juniper and annual grasses. We suggest that additional treatments, such as pre-emergent herbicide control of annuals and possibly multiple seeding events, are necessary to restore these communities. We recommend an adaptive management approach in which additional treatments are applied on the basis of monitoring data. © 2019
Potential Spread of Cheatgrass and Other Invasive Species by Feral Horses in Western ColoradoThe invasive grass cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) presents major challenges for land management and habitat conservation in the western United States. Feral horses (Equus ferus caballus) have become overabundant in some areas of the West and can impact fragile semiarid ecosystems. Amid ongoing efforts to control cheatgrass in the Great Basin, we conducted a study to determine if feral horses contribute to the spread of cheatgrass through distribution via their feces. We collected feral horse fecal samples from Little Book Cliffs Herd Management Area in western Colorado in 2014. Fecal samples were dried, and 20 from each of 3 collection sessions were cultivated to examine germination success. Six species germinated from 18 samples (30%; mostly one plant per sample where germination occurred), including cheatgrass from 8% of samples. In a separate study we examined the diet of this same horse population using fecal plant DNA barcoding. Plant species that germinated were rare in the diet and germinated from fewer samples than expected relative to their detection in the diet. Our results suggest that feral horses could be contributing to cheatgrass propagation. Native ungulates and domestic cattle also have this potential. Although management of all large ungulates is necessary to mitigate cheatgrass spread, control of feral horse numbers is particularly necessary. © 2019
Long-Term Vegetation Recovery and Invasive Annual Suppression in Native and Introduced Postfire Seeding TreatmentsSeed mixes used for postfire seeding in the Great Basin are often selected on the basis of short-term rehabilitation objectives, such as ability to rapidly establish and suppress invasive exotic annuals (e.g., cheatgrass, Bromus tectorum L.). Longer-term considerations are also important, including whether seeded plants persist, continue to suppress invasives, and promote recovery of desired vegetation. To better understand long-term effects of postfire seed mixes, we revisited study sites in Tintic Valley, Utah, where seeding experiments had been initiated after the 1999 Railroad wildfire. Four different mixes, including two comprised entirely of native species, had been applied using rangeland drills at a shrubland site and aerial seeding followed by one-way Ely chaining at a woodland site. New vegetation data collected 16 years post fire revealed changes relative to 3 years post fire. We found significant increases in total cover of seed-mix species in all treatments, including the unseeded control where these species were present as residual populations or had spread from seeded treatments. Significant increases of seed-mix species cover and density were observed in blocks where seeding treatments had previously been considered unsuccessful. Some seed-mix species, particularly rhizomatous grasses, increased while others declined. Exotic annual forb cover decreased in all treatments while cheatgrass increased in the unseeded control and to a lesser extent in the native-only seeded treatments. Recruitment of non-seed-mix native perennials was highest in the unseeded control. Results indicate that postfire seeding has lasting effects on vegetation composition and structure, implying that seed mixes should be carefully formulated to promote long-term management objectives. Seed mixes containing large amounts of competitive introduced species may be especially effective for long-term cheatgrass suppression, but native-only mixes can also serve this purpose to a lesser degree while avoiding drawbacks of non-native species introductions. © 2019
Influence of Ecosystem Services on Management Decisions by Public Land Ranchers in the Intermountain West, United StatesEcosystem services are benefits humans obtain as a result of ecosystem processes and conditions. In the western United States, public rangelands are managed for a spectrum of ecosystem services on behalf of multiple stakeholders. Decisions of ranchers who hold public land grazing allotments must balance operational needs for forage with societal expectations for other ecosystem services. To better understand their choices regarding ecosystem services, we interviewed ranchers to learn about the bases for their management decisions and identify services they believe rangelands provide. A total of 19 services were identified, many of which reflected ranchers’ recognition that they manage within the context of a broader social-ecological system (e.g., maintaining open space). We then conducted a mail survey of Bureau of Land Management grazing permittees in six states to understand the importance they personally place on different services, as well as the extent to which they manage with those services in mind. Fourteen of the 19 ecosystem services identified in interviews were reported by at least 50% of the survey sample (N = 435) as influencing their management decisions. Most respondents reported trying to manage deeded and leased land to the same standard. Aside from forage for livestock (ranked #1), ranchers were less likely to report managing for provisioning services than for cultural, supporting, and regulating services. Importance ratings for ecosystem services followed a similar pattern, although there were a few differences in rank order. Ranchers tended to report managing for more ecosystem services if they had larger operations, earned at least 50% of their income from ranching, spent more time out on the ranch, and relied on multiple sources for information about range management. Results indicate public land ranchers believe they are managing for multifunctionality, balancing their own operational needs with those of society. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Home on the Digital Range: Ranchers’ Web Access and UseAccess to the Internet continues to grow in rural areas, ensuring ranchers will have increasing opportunities to use the Web to find information about management practices that may provide them ecological and financial benefits. Although past studies have examined the role of the Internet in informing daily decision making by agricultural producers, no studies have focused specifically on the use of the Internet by ranchers in the western United States. This study uses a mixed-methods approach (a survey and semistructured interviews) to assess the extent and patterns of ranchers’ Internet use in Colorado and Wyoming, identify barriers to greater use, and establish a typology of Web use behavior by ranchers. Our findings indicate that Internet use is widespread and that age, education, and risk tolerance predict the extent to which a rancher will rely on the Internet for day-to-day ranch management. A cluster analysis delineated four distinct types of Web usage among ranchers: uninfluenced, focused on sales and herd management, moderately influenced, and an Internet-reliant type. Outreach personnel can use this classification to determine the potential utility of digital outreach tools for their programming on the basis of their target audience and outreach topics. © 2018
Fungal Facilitation in Rangelands: Do Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Mediate Resilience and Resistance in Sagebrush Steppe?Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may exert profound influences on ecosystem resilience and invasion resistance in rangelands. Maintenance of plant community structure through ecological feedback mechanisms such as facilitation of nutrient cycling and uptake by host plants, physical and chemical contributions to soil structural stability, and mediation of plant competition suggest AMF may be important facilitators in stressful arid environments. Plant-AMF interactions could influence succession by increasing native plant community resilience to drought, grazing, and fire and resistance to exotic plant invasion. However, invasive exotic plants may benefit from associations with, as well as alter, native AMF communities. Furthermore, questions remain on the role of AMF in stressful environments, specifically the mycorrhizal dependency of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe plant species. Here, we review scientific literature relevant to AMF in rangelands, with specific focus on impacts of land management, disturbance, and invasion on AMF communities in sagebrush steppe. We highlight the nature of AMF ecology as it relates to rangelands and discuss the methods used to measure mycorrhizal responsiveness. Our review found compelling evidence that AMF mediation of resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasion varies with plant and fungal community composition, including plant mycorrhizal host status, plant functional guild, and physiological adaptations to disturbance in both plants and fungi. We conclude by outlining a framework to advance knowledge of AMF in rangeland invasion ecology. Understanding the role of AMF in semiarid sagebrush steppe ecosystems will likely require multiple study approaches due to the highly variable nature of plant-AMF interactions, the complex mechanisms of resilience conference, and the unknown thresholds for responses to environmental stressors. This may require shifting away from the plant biomass paradigm of assessing mycorrhizal benefits in order to obtain a more holistic view of plant dependency on AMF, or lack thereof, in sagebrush steppe and other semiarid ecosystems. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Estimating forage utilization with drone-based photogrammetric point cloudsMonitoring of forage utilization typically occurs at sample locations, or key areas, selected for their presumed potential to represent utilization across pastures. However, utilization can vary greatly across landscapes and may not be well represented by traditional ground-based sampling without great effort. Remote sensing from satellite and manned airborne platforms offers spatial coverage at landscape scale, but their poor spatial resolution (satellite) and cost (manned airborne) may limit their use in monitoring forage utilization. High-resolution photogrammetric point clouds obtained from small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) represent an appealing alternative. We developed a method to estimate utilization by observing the height reduction of herbaceous plants represented by 3-dimensional point clouds. We tested our method in a semiarid savanna in southern Arizona by comparing utilization estimates with ground-based methods after a month-long grazing duration. In six plots, we found strong correlation between imagery and ground-based estimates (r2 = 0.78) and similar average estimate of utilization of across all plots (ground-based = 18%, imagery = 20%). With a few workflow and technological improvements, we think it is feasible to estimate point cloud utilization over the entire pasture (150 ha) and potentially even larger areas. These improvements include optimizing the number of images collected and used, equipping drones with more accurate global navigation satellite systems (e.g., Global Positioning System), and processing images with cloud-based parallel processing. We show proof of concept to provide confident estimates of forage utilization patterns over large pastures and landscapes, at levels of spatial precision that are consistent with ground-based methods. The adoption of drone-based monitoring of utilization of forage on rangelands could follow the paradigm shift already demonstrated by Global Positioning Systems and Geographic information systems technologies, where the initial high computing costs were reduced, use became the norm, and the availability of more precise spatial patterns was applied to prescribe and evaluate management practices. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Disturbance Type and Sagebrush Community Type Affect Plant Community Structure After Shrub ReductionTreatments to reduce shrub cover are commonly implemented with the objective of shifting community structure away from shrub dominance and toward shrub and perennial grass codominance. In sagebrush (Artemisia L.) ecosystems, shrub reduction treatments have had variable effects on target shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and non-native annual plants. The factors mediating this variability are not well understood. We used long-term data from Utah's Watershed Restoration Initiative project to assess short-term (1 − 4 yr post-treatment) and long-term (5 − 12 yr post-treatment) responses of sagebrush plant communities to five shrub reduction treatments at 94 sites that span a range of abiotic conditions and sagebrush community types. Treatments were pipe harrow with one or two passes, aerator, and fire with and without postfire seeding. We analyzed effect sizes (log of response ratio) to assess responses of sagebrush, perennial and annual grasses and forbs, and ground cover to treatments. Most treatments successfully reduced sagebrush cover over the short and long term. All treatments increased long-term perennial grass cover in Wyoming big sagebrush (A. tridentata Nutt. ssp. wyomingensis Beetle & Young) communities, but in mountain big sagebrush (ssp. vaseyana [Rydb.] Beetle) communities, perennial grasses increased only when seeded after fire. In both sagebrush communities, treatments generally resulted in short-term, but not long-term, increases in perennial forb cover. Annual grasses (largely invasive cheatgrass, Bromus tectorum L.) increased in all treatments on sites dominated by mountain big sagebrush but stayed constant or decreased on sites dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush. This result was unexpected because sites dominated by Wyoming big sagebrush are typically thought to be less resilient to disturbance and less resistant to invasion than sites dominated by mountain big sagebrush. Together, these results indicate some of the benefits, risks, and contingent outcomes of sagebrush reduction treatments that should be considered carefully in any future decisions about applying such treatments. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Differences in Stubble Height Estimates Resulting from Systematic and Random Sample DesignsSampling design influences the accuracy and confidence that an investigator can place on the information derived from a data set. This study was undertaken to quantify the influence of systematic and random sample designs on the estimation of stubble height. Variance estimates, data set range, adequate sample size, and relative variation were greater with the systematic sampling design, and mean estimates were lower when compared with estimates derived from a random sampling design. © 2019 The Society for Range Management
Comparison of Methods To Examine Diet of Feral Horses from Noninvasively Collected Fecal SamplesFeral horses (Equus ferus caballus) have become abundant on public lands in the American West, particularly over the past 10 yr. In areas where they are overabundant, there is risk of habitat degradation. Most previous studies on diet and habitat use of feral horses were conducted more than 20 yr ago; rangelands have changed considerably in that time, so it is useful to revisit horse diets. We conducted a study to examine the diet of feral horses using noninvasive methods and subjectively compare diet analysis techniques. We collected feral horse fecal samples from a sagebrush/pinyon-juniper ecosystem in Colorado in May, August, and October 2014. We analyzed 30 fecal samples from each collection session by both microhistology and plant DNA barcoding. Both microhistology and plant DNA barcoding results indicated horse diet consisted primarily of graminoids (78.5% and 68.8%, respectively, both of which are in greater proportion than availability based on ecological site descriptions); however, the two methods differed in species composition of grasses. Similar to other studies, microhistological analyses underestimated the proportion of forbs in the diet compared with plant DNA barcoding analyses, which showed a surprisingly high contribution of forbs to the diet compared with previous studies. Our results suggest plant DNA barcoding analyses have great potential, although both methods have inherent biases. © 2019
Cattle Grazing Distribution in Shortgrass Steppe: Influences of Topography and Saline SoilsThe distribution of livestock across heterogeneous landscapes is often uneven, which has important implications for vegetation dynamics and how rangeland managers achieve desired outcomes from these landscapes. Here, we use data from widely available digital elevation models to classify a landscape in the shortgrass steppe with subtle topographic variation using two different approaches: topographic wetness index (TWI) and topographic position classes (TPCs) derived from topographic position indices. We used global positioning system collars to track the grazing locations of cattle within replicate pastures and fit generalized linear mixed models to their locations to quantify the influence of topography on grazing distribution. In addition, we examine the influence of the presence of saline vegetation communities on cattle use of lowlands. The resulting models indicate that TPC more effectively predicts grazing distribution than TWI and that the patterns are strongest in the second half of the growing season (August − October). Model performance was improved with the inclusion of saline vegetation communities, although the magnitude of cattle grazing time in these communities was not consistent across multiple pastures. These models, in combination with local knowledge, can be used by managers to predict and manage livestock distribution even in landscapes with relatively subtle topographic variability. © 2019