Accountability Through Compassionate Care In Treatment For Sex Offenders: A Program Evaluation
The University of Arizona.Rights
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Purpose: The purpose of this project is to complete a program evaluation of Giovannoni, Inc. Recovery Program for Sexual Health in Honolulu, Hawai’i. The program evaluation will help determine if the use of compassion as a therapeutic tool caused participants to feel cared for while holding them accountable and responsible for their actions. Background: Sexual violence is a substantial public health problem which leaves lasting physical and emotional consequences for the victim and bears a large economic burden on society. Giovannoni, Inc. Recovery Program for Sexual Health in Honolulu, Hawai’i is a sex offender treatment program that integrates a compassionate healing caring environment modeled modeling nursing theorist Jean Watson (2008) Philosophy of Science and Caring, and the Risk Need Responsivity Model (RNR), (Hanson & Harris, 2000) an evidence-based model of relapse prevention of sex offenders. The mission of Giovannoni, Inc. is to hold sex abusers accountable for their actions, develop empathy for their victims and prevent recidivism. Methods: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Framework for Program Evaluation will be used to complete the evaluation. An analytic observational design with a cross-sectional survey and one open-ended, exploratory question will be used to evaluate the program and its outcomes based on its objectives and aims. Results: With 12 of 16 participants responding to the survey, 10 of the 12 respondents provided a mode of 6 and agree “very much” with the positive statements, while 1 of the 12 respondents provide a mode of ‘5’ agreeing but slightly less with the statements, and 1 of the 12 respondents provide a mode of ‘1’ with total disagreement with the statements. Conclusion: The Giovanonni, Inc. Self-care Recovery Program for Sexual Health provides a caring and compassionate environment that creates a safe space for sex offenders to participate in therapeutic rehabilitation.Type
textElectronic Dissertation
Degree Name
D.N.P.Degree Level
doctoralDegree Program
Graduate CollegeNursing